Autor: Marin Mihalache  |  Album: Homo Liturgicus  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de marin2016 in 19/11/2018
My Lord, You are
A real presence for me
When equidistant sun
Shines over your kingdom
You seized me under
Shadows of your wings.

You even follow me
A luminous shadow.
The more I run away
From Your light
The more your shadow
Grows closer to me.

Without You, life
Is unbearable pain
Suffering truth hidden
In ruminating kernel
Dreadful melancholy of being.

From the glowing shadow
Awaking from slumber
We rise each morning
To grasp a ray of hope
Of Your divine glory.

HOMO LITURGICUS, Poems by Marin Mihalache
Amazon. com

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